Chapter 17


You can play in different ways with the name of God (compare chapter 2). So for instance the triangle of the Name:

You could "draw" a circle or a hexagon with God's name. You could also form a cube where you can read all three names:

Compare also the pyramid of the Name and the double-pyramid:

You can also fill the triangle with the three person-letters A,T, I , so you easily see all important abbreviations of God's name namely IO, IU, TO, TU, AO, AU:

But what do we mean with "the Name as code"? As I brought out already 1982 in the book "Notes on the Characters Used in the Scriptures", the name IOUO was used by IOUO as a code for hidden encoded pictures in the text of the original Hebrew Bible.(44)

These pictures appear under the following conditions:

Write down the Hebrew text of Genesis starting with chapter one in pages of 26 lines. Each line only has 26 letters. Why 26 ? Because 26 is the number of God's name (compare chapter 19). You write the letters of the next line always straight under the letters of the foregoing line and so on. Thus you come to a square with 26 times 26 letters. But you need to write the lines in a snake-manner: the first line from right to left, the second line from left to right, the third line again from right to left, and so on. Then you still must know that I introduced the name of God in Genesis 1:1 - 2:3. Instead of only writing ALOIM (= Elohim) I always wrote IOUO ALOIM (compare chapter 18).

You should also leave no space between the words writing BRAShITBRAIOUOALOIM (Sh = one letter J). When you have written a page, then color all IOUO-appearances in one color. IOUO can appear vertically, diagonally, horizontally or in a circle (=square) or crooked. Thus upon the first page we can detect the picture of a male face with beard. When using AOUO as code we find on the first page a male face with beard again. We can use also a combination of AOUO and IOUO. We again come to a male face. We can use the word IU, an abbreviation of God's name, as code. We come to a quite different face without beard on the first page. When using TOUO as code we come to a possible crown fitting to the picture of the IOUO-code. So far the first page. It seems that also all other pages of the Bible contain encoded pictures with different codes. Also the code ShMIM = heaven makes sense on the first page. It is the sideburns of the face of the IOUO-code.

Even the New Testament contains encoded pictures. Here I used ÍOUO together with ÍOU and ÍO. This brought the picture of a face of a man. It is another proof for the pronunciation IOUO. Then I used ÍOU(O) and ÁOU(O) and TOU(O) as a complementary code. It leads to a marvelous picture of the soldier and king Jesus. By finding something reasonable with the code TOUO we can prove that this second person name of God does appear in the Bible, only in a hidden way. I enclose some examples of these encoded pictures on the following pages.

The interwoven word IOUOA got an addition by writing these pages. We found the following structure in the text:

Here the stem OUO is connected with all three person-parts: A, I, T. You can read IOUO, AOUO and TOUO.

Concerning these encoded pictures many investigations could be added: All possible readings, many different page-formats (for instance hexagonal, rectangular, circle with different number of characters in a row or string), with God's name implemented or not, with spiriti (lenis and asper) used as independent characters in the NT and so on. It should be tested whether Bible pages contain same characters at the same positions. For IOUO there were so many possible ways to encode the text. Also colors could play a role. Maybe certain colors in certain complementary codes lead to colored pictures. The text might contain certain keywords or even messages when read diagonally or vertically or backwards or zigzag. Whole lines or pages might show numerical meanings according to Panin's method and the frequent occurrence of the same characters above each other might be an indicator for reestablishment of the real inspired test.

These encoded pictures are proof for certain theories:

1) OT and NT are both inspired by God.

2) The name of God has to be restored in the NT and also in some parts of the OT.

3) IOUO is the inspired, original pronunciation of God's name


These encoded pictures are an indication of a possible 26x26-size inspired page-format of all Bible pages. They are also an indication that the division in chapters and verses should be overcome by a division into pages with coordinates for each character.

The name of God appears in the NT in codes with Omicron or with Omega. In the Hebrew language there is only one O. That is an indication that the name of God could be pronounced with an open or a closed O [@: or o:] . And the Adamic alphabet (compare chapter 8) contains an O which could be pronounced either as an open or a closed O [@: or o:]. The code ÍOUO appears much more often than ÍWUW. This indicates that the regular pronunciation of IOUO should be with a closed O [i:o:u:o:]. This also indicates that the regular pronunciation of the O in the Adamic alphabet should be a closed O [o:] rather than an open O [@:]. The God-given original alphabet for mankind therefor only includes the pure forms of the five basic vowels:

A [a:] = A, E [e:] = E , I [i:] = I, O [o:] = O and U [u:] = U.



(44) In 1982 I sent these thoughts with this book immediately to the Watchtower Society in expectation of a soon publishing of these discoveries, that I made under the influence of the holy spirit. In this book for the first time was written about the discovery of the pronunciation IOUO, too.


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