Chapter 20


The name of God appears eight times in the Decalogue (Exodus 20:1-17); or ten times (Deuteronomy 5:6-21). The Decalogue can easily be divided into four parts corresponding with the four parts of the Tetragrammaton:

1) the first four laws. They treat the holiness of IOUO. This corresponds with the I (= Yohdh).

2) the fifth law. It is the law to honor one's parents. It corresponds with the first O (= He').

3) the four laws 6 - 9. They are prohibitions of everyday life . This corresponds with U (=Waw).

4) the tenth law. It is the law not to desire, a law of inner motives, an especially difficult law + O (= He').

The O (= He') in each case is one law. The I (= Yohdh) and the U (= Waw) are each four laws. These four laws each can reflect the four characters of IOUO, too.

The two tablets likely were tablets with five laws each. The first tablet can be compared with the IO of IOUO.

Interestingly only on this tablet the name of God appears - IO is a common abbreviation of God's name. The second tablet can be compared with the UO of God's name IOUO. It doesn't contain God's name. Upon the first tablet the name of God appears 7 times in the first four laws according to Exodus or 8 times according to Deuteronomy. 7 is a holy number whereas 8 is a number reflecting completeness.

Jesus divided all laws of the Mosaic covenant into two parts upon which "the whole law hangs" (Matthew  22:36-40; Mark 12:28-31):

      1) love God above all

      2) love your fellow-human as yourself

Obviously the two tablets correspond with these two basic laws:

      first tablet = love to God: law 1-4:  love to God's matters

              law 5: love to one's parents = love to the representatives of God

      second tablet = love to fellow-humans: law 6-9: avoid to harm your neighbor

                  law 10: don't even desire to harm him


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