Chapter 25


According to Revelation IOUO is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13). His name, too, is a subject throughout the Bible from its start to its end, like the Alpha and the Omega. The Bible starts with the name of God as the third word: BRAShIT  BRA  IOUO  ALOIM ... (In the beginning IOUO God created ...; compare chapter 17). It is the third word because here the name of God has to be restored into the text, what is proven by encoded pictures. The last word of the Bible, too, which was written last, points to the importance of a name: kat önoma (= according to name). These are the last words of the third letter of John, the book of the Bible that was written last.

The subject "sanctification of God's name" is a theme from start to end of the Bible, starting from the time of Seth when a start was made in calling on the name of IOUO, obviously in a positive way (Genesis 4:26). This was mentioned in connection with Seth and his son Enosh, who obviously were faithful to IOUO. Like Abel, who built an altar to IOUO, they seem to have understood the importance of using God's name in worship at the first time in human history. We can follow this subject of the sanctification of God's name all the way to Revelation 11:18 and 15:4, where we can read about "fearing God's name" and "glorifying God's name". The end of the Old Testament contains this subject, too, when we can read in Malachi 3:16 that a book of remembrance is written in heaven for those thinking upon God's name, when each one is speaking with his companion. But according to the old Jewish sequence of Bible-books it is 2 Chronicles which concludes the Old Testament. Interestingly also in 2 Chronicles we can read in the last verse of the last chapter God's name IOUO.

IOUO is the Alpha and the Omega, the A and the W, in English the A and the O. How interesting that the highest name of God is "AO", the abbreviation of AOUO (compare chapter 12). This is also the international cry of ache, which is implanted into the brains of all humans (compare chapter 10).

In the Hebrew alphabet we could say: IOUO is the Aleph and the Taw. How interesting that both of the most holy forms of God's name start with Aleph and Taw, with A and T: AOUO and TOUO (OUOA and OUOT). IOUO is the Aleph and the Taw, the start and the end, but he is also the middle since the Yohdh (of IOUO = OUOI) was in the middle of the alphabet.

          Aleph (first letter of the alphabet) = start of AOUO

          Yohdh (tenth letter of the alphabet) = start of IOUO

          Taw (22nd or last letter of the alphabet) = start of TOUO

But let's stay at the A + O: The name of Abraham is in Adamic ABROM and it contains the only two vowels

A + O. Abraham depicts IOUO ! Let's take a look at Abraham and his offspring:

        A =  ABROM +   A + O

        O =  Isaak +   I + A = Ia       

        U =  Iakwb +   I + A and I + O and A + O = Ia, Io, Ao

        O =  Iwsäqv +   I + O = Io


The second Aleph from "Isaac" stands directly above the Omega from "Jacob": a further A + O. The Aleph from "Jacob" stands directly above the Omega of "Joseph": again a A + O. Ia and Io point to IOUO. Ao points to AOUO.

"Aaron" is in Adamic AORN and does contain A + O at the very start. "Aaron and Moses" together are in Adamic:

AORNUMShO. It starts and ends with A + O (Sh = Shin).

Joseph came to Pharaoh and became the second man in Egypt. This foreshadows that Jesus Christ (= Joseph) after the prison of an earthly course sat down at the right hand of IOUO (= Pharaoh). Pharaoh is in Greek: var. The Alpha and the Omega can be seen twice in that title. It points to IOUO the great AO ! The great start and end!

A is a "male" character, it is angular. Y is a "female" character, it is round and looking like a uterus. Therefore the Alpha and the Omega foreshadow the man or husband IOUO (= Aleph) and his wife, the faithful creation (= Omega). The same with the Latin characters A and O: A is "male", angular, O is "female", round. O reminds us of an Ovum, the female egg-cell.

Male and female is also seen in the Tetragrammaton:

        O U O I . Yohdh and Waw are male. He' is female.

    male                ,      ,

    female         ,     ,


O = Y = O = female, I = I and U = U = V  both male. We see this distinctly in the Song of Solomon = Song of love, there the name OI is the only appearance of God's name, it points to the union between I = male and O = female (Song of Solomon 8:6).

IOUO is a husband, a father and a God:

The husband is foreshadowed by Pharao h (who gave a ring to Joseph), the great AO.

The father is foreshadowed by Jacob (the father of Joseph), the great AO.

The God is foreshadowed by ALO IM = Elohim (who sent Joseph to Pharaoh), again the great AO.

IOUO is therefore the A and O, the be-all, and the end-all and his name points to this fact. Let us conclude with this thought and the appeal to all faithful ones to share in the sanctification of the name of God IOUO (Isaiah 42:8).


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