Chapter 6


The foregoing conclusions are also confirmed by the "ÍaÔ" (18), which was handed down to us by Diodorus Siculus, a historian who lived at the time of Julius Cesar and of Augustus. He wrote that the Jews worship a God named "ÍaÔ". This "ÍaÔ " points to "Yahoh" because the Greek language had no h within a word or at the end of a word. So Diodorus Siculus couldn't write all four characters of the Tetragrammaton. (19)

This "ÍaÔ" was found in fragments of the Torah of the Septuagint in the Scrolls of the Dead Sea, too. That shows that the Septuagint originally did contain the name of God and that it was pronounced "Yahoh" in the time from the composition of the Septuagint until the time of Christ Jesus. (20)

The U (= Waw) that originally was pronounced in God's name only as a vowel slowly developed from a U-sound into an O-sound. Moses who didn't know how the Name was pronounced though he knew about God's name from the name of his mother Yochebed, received from OUOI himself God's name together with its pronunciation (Exodus 3:13-15). It is likely that at that time he received the Name as "Yahuh", while Jesus who proclaimed God's name likely pronounced the Name as "Yahoh" (John 17:6,26).

It is possible that the writers of the New Testament wrote "ÍaÔ", too. Or they wrote the name of God only in Hebrew Characters OUOI, which looked like a Greek PIPI (= PIPI) in the Greek text of the New Testament. Some erroneously then read pipi instead of Yahoh (21).



(18) Smith's Revised Bible Dictionary, 1999, heading: JEHO'VAH

(19) See: Brockhaus, 1838, heading: Jehova

(20) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with References, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, revised 1984, p. 1562,1563, section 1C: The Divine Name in Ancient Greek Versions, paragraph 5, compare also: "The Watchtower", 1991, April 15, p. 12,13, Dead Sea Scrolls - Unprecedented Treasure

(21) compare: Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 886, heading: Jehovah, subheading: Use of the Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures



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