Appendix E




declension case; showing from where an object originates

+ declension


declension case; showing the object that is directly influenced by the action of the verb

+ declension


the first man created by God and put into the garden of Eden to cultivate it. God made a wife, Eve, for him out of one rib of Adam. Later the first couple violated the only law given to them and ate a forbidden fruit; Thatway they forsake not only their lives but all their ancestors were born as imperfect humans, as sinners

Adamic language

language spoken by Adam and his descendants that was given to him directly by God; it later developed into Hebrew

Alpha and Omega

the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet; they mean "the first and last"


the first letter of the Greek alphabet, written A or a, pronounced [a]; as a number symbol = 1

+ Alpha and Omega


table used in worship to give offerings

1) In the courtyard stood an altar, also called "altar of burnt offerings", where priestly sacrificing of animals was performed

2) In the "Holy" stood an altar, also called "altar of incense", where incense was burned

+ altar of incense

Altar of Incense

altar that stood in the Holy in front of the curtain to the Most Holy; incense had to be offered there daily


the prince of the angels, Michael, Jesus Christ 

+ prehuman Jesus

Ark of Covenant

chest made out of wood and gold with two cherubs facing each other on top. The ark stood in the center of the Most Holy with the Shekina light hovering above it. The ark contained the tablets of the Decalogue, a pitcher with manna and the Rod of Aaron.  It had to be covered during travel and was to be carried by Kohathites (a Levitic tribe) only


or: Har-Magedon; The word means the "mount of Megiddo";  in Revelation the place where the battle of the great day of God Almighty shall be fought 


grammatical: adaptation of different sounds

Baal worship

the idol Baal was often worshipped by Israelites -  a practice that violated the first commandment of the Decalogue that forbids worship to any other gods next to IOUO God.

a modern form of Baal worship is the use of the title „Lord” instead of the personal name of God

+ Baal


meaning "Lord" or "Owner"; principal male god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians; in Canaan each locality had its own Baal, such as Baal-Peor;

also Molech; Bel; Baal Zebub, Beelzebub;

Jesus refers to Beelzebub as another name for Satan, the Devil

Baal Zebub

Baal (Lord) of the Fly, the god of the Philistines at Ekron

+ Baal


or: Babylon, capital city of Chaldea built by Nimrod at the Euphrates; later the capital of the Babylonian empire

Babylonian Captivity

a period of 70 years where many Israelites were kept in captivity in Babylon after their country and Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Babylonians


a basin with water for priestly activities that stood in the courtyard


Jesus refers to Beelzebub as another name for Satan, the Devil

+ Baal


the Chaldaic form of Baal, the national god of the Babylonians

+ Baal


the Word of God, that the Creator OUOI inspired faithful men in the past. It contains 66 books according to the Christian counting (from Genesis to Revelation) or 49 books according to the Hebrew counting of the OT together with the Christian counting of the NT. It was written by dozens of men over the period of 1600 years. Although the writers wrote in three different languages and came from totally different backgrounds the Bible is actually one book with the Sanctification of the Creators’ Name and the redemption of the human race as main subjects

also: Holy Scriptures

Greek: biblia = books

+ New Testament

+ Old Testament

Bible code

code embedded into the original Bible text by God that was discovered by Dr. Eli Rips


the 66 different books that were written by various men and together form the Bible

+ Bible


encampment of the Israelites during the 40-year-sojourn in the wilderness whenever they halted. It has the tabernacle as center and the tribes of Israel and mixed people camping around it

Camp of the sick ones

a camp outside the main encampment of the Jews on their 40-year-sojourn in the wilderness where lepers and all who had diseases had to live excluded till their sickness had healed

Camp of quarantine

a camp outside the main encampment of the Jews on their 40-year-sojourn in the wilderness where people who might had contagious diseases stayed separated from the rest of Israel for a certain amount of time until it was assured if they really are sick


a higher form of angelic life; mighty heavenly creature


the concluding sentence of a story or book in the Torah referring to the foregoing text; often erroneously held to be a heading of the following text

confusion of the


also: confusion of Tongues; event in which IOUO God created a diversity of languages in order to prevent humans from finishing the Tower of Babel and to disperse them around the globe. Before that only the Adamic language was spoken


to inflect a verb; i.e. line up the different grammatical forms of a verb


the conjugating of a verb

+ conjugate


dependent sounds of the human language:

they are subdivided into nasal, liquid, fricative, labial, dental and guttural sounds

Court of the Priests

a section of the temple of Herod, a courtyard for priests and Levites

Court of Israel

a section of the temple of Herod, a courtyard for Israelite men who where ceremonially clean

Court of Women

a section of the temple of Herod, a courtyard for Israelite women

Court of Gentiles

a section of the temple of Herod, a courtyard for non-Israelites or non-Jews


around the tabernacle and the temple there were one or more courtyards; i.e. a court or enclosure where priestly activities were performed

Cover of the Ark of


cover on top of the Ark of Covenant made out of gold with two cherubs facing each other on top

Curtain to the Most


veil of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen that hang between the Holy and the Most Holy

Curtain to the Holy

entrance into the tabernacle


also: the Ten Commandments, the core law for the Israel Nation given to Moses by IOUO on the Mount Sinai after the escape from Egypt. They were written by the finger of God on two stone tablets. Moses broke the first set on the ground when he saw the Idolatry of the Israelites and later had to provide a  second set which was inscribed by God a second time and which was kept in the Ark of Covenant.

Jesus gives a summary of the commandment in Matthew 22: 37-40


the declining of a noun

+ decline


to inflect a noun, i.e. line up the different grammatical forms of a noun


or Chanukah; the festival of the renewing;

a festival in old Israel introduced in 164 B.C.E.  to commemorate the purging of the temple after its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes (167 B.C.E. ) and the rebuilding of the altar after the Syrian invaders had been driven out by Judas Maccabaeus


worldwide flood sent by God in the time of Noah, that lasted one year, and ended the violence that filled the Earth. Only Noah’s family survived the deluge in a vessel called the ark that God told them to built to save them and animal species. They became the ancestors of all humans thereafter


a language spoken by a people or minor group which is very close and similar to the language from which it derived


Greek: Two-letter-word; singular: Digrammaton;

abbreviated form of the Name of God that consists of the letters Yodh and He’ OI pronounced IO in Adamic and Yah in Hebrew or the letters Yodh and Waw UI pronounced IU in Adamic

+ Name of God

+ Tetragrammaton

+ Trigrammaton

Door of the courtyard

gate of the court, an entrance to the courtyard on the East side

+ courtyard


gardenlike area prepared by God to serve as a habitat for the first humans which they had to enlarge all around the globe and fill with humans

encoded pictures

pictures that appear by cracking a code in a text

Ezekiel’s Temple

temple that only appeared in a vision the prophet Ezekiel had (Ezekiel 40 - 42)


declension case; showing the connection of different objects; i.e. "whose" object

+ declension

Golden Censer

a device in the Most Holy mentioned by the apostle Paul in Hebrews 9:4 (German: Räucherfaß, NW)


1) an account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the first four books of the NT: John, Matthew, Luke and Mark

2) the good news as a Christian message about the salvation by Jesus Christ


1) in the Roman and Greek legends: the offspring of gods who had intercourse with humans

2) in the Bible: living beings born to human mothers who had intercourse with fallen angels (demons); having inherited supernatural powers these half-gods brought violence upon the society. They were killed in the deluge; also: Nephilim

Heavenly vehicle

the prophet Ezekiel saw this heavenly spectacle in a vision: a car or vehicle with wheels. The wheels were under a platform. Upon the platform OUOI himself sat on a throne. Eyes were all around the wheels and cherubs were beside each wheel moving in unison with them (Ezekiel 1:4-28)

Herod’s Temple

restoration of the temple of Serrubabel in Jerusalem by Herod the Great that started around 20 B.C:E. and ended in the 1st century C.E.


the highest office among the Jewish priests only held by Aaron and his descendants; the highpriest  wore special insignia


also: Holy Place; part of the tabernacle and the temples, its layout being two squares with the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense and the Lampstand 


Festival of the Booths or Festival of the Tabernacle;

booths (huts made of the branches of a tree) were erected to commemorate the way the Israelites lived during their  sojourn in the wilderness


the transmission of thoughts and sentences by God to a writer


act of inspiration

+ inspiration

Interlinear Bible

Bible Version that shows a word by word translation in a modern language between the lines of the original text; sometimes a complete translation of each verse is presented on the side of each page


newly detected original name of God

Israelite tribes

the 12 tribes corresponding with the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel). Later the tribe of Joseph was subdivided into two tribes. Then the 12 tribes were the tribes without the tribe of Levi which in turn formed the priestly tribe

+ Levites


the modern day Hebrew language

Jubilee year

semi-centennial festival of the Hebrews that lasted one year;

no harvest was allowed, land had to be given back to its original owner, debts  were remitted and slaves reinstalled as free citizens


rulers elected by Israelite tribes or appointed by IOUO God himself to preside over the affairs of Israel during the interval between the death of Joshua and the accession of Saul. They only ruled for their lifetime and did not form dynasties


Latin: IVPITER or IVPPITER; the principal deity of the ancient Romans, the Zeus of the ancient Greeks

+ Zeus


the Greek language spoken in the Greek empire. All Bible books of the NT were written in Koine Greek.


lampstand made out of gold with seven branches where pure beaten olive oil was burned constantly


the Israelite tribe consisting of Descendants of Levi (son of Jacob = Israel), whose camp was around the tabernacle during the 40-year-sojourn of the Israel nation in the wilderness. The Levites were not given a land of their own but rather dwelt in many cities all over old Israel


Greek: "word"; a title given to Jesus Christ in John 1:1


Jewish dynasty in the 2nd century B.C.E.; founded by Judas Maccabeus, who fought the influx of Hellenistic (Greek) culture on Judaism


Hebrew: "What is that?"; the name given by the Israelites to the food God gave them during their sojourn in the wilderness. It was a substance that fell on the ground and was gathered in the morning but could not be stored overnight. Since none fell on the Sabbath day the double amount fell on the preceding day that could be stored for two days. It tasted like "wafers with honey"


Jewish Bible scholars who in the 6th - 8th century C.E. supplied the Hebrew Bible with side commentaries and vowel points

Mixed people

people consisting of half-Israelites and non-Israelites that accompanied the Israelites when they fled Egypt;

also: mixed crowd, mixed company

Most Holy

also: the Holiest, the Holy of Holies; part of the tabernacle and the temples, its layout being 1 square; with the ark of covenant in its center, the golden censer and the scrolls of the Torah beside the ark

Name of God

IOUO, Hebrew: OUOI; meaning: "I cause to become"; the Name of God in the Bible. Due to Jewish superstition the reading of this holy name was lost for centuries. God also introduced the Name "Yahuh" to Moses. In the time of Jesus it was pronounced "Yahoh". The reading "Yahweh" is generally accepted as one authentic reading in Old Israel. The vowel points of the Massorets were misinterpreted by humanist scholars,  thus forming the mixed-name Jehovah. Most churches though adopted the Jewish tradition of avoiding the Name and substituted it by titles like Lord, God, the Eternal One, the Blessed One, the HE

New Testament

the second part of the Bible; it is the Christian part of the Bible. The New Testament contains 27 books (from Matthew to Revelation)

New System

according to the Bible a future period of history of mankind starting after the end of  Armageddon in which human rulership is ended and replaced by the kingdom of God. In the first millennium of the New System Jesus will rule as king then the kingship will be given back to IOUO God, the father. In a final test after the millennium rule of Jesus the devil has a short chance to tempt humans again and will afterwards be destroyed together with his followers


the first month in the Jewish lunar calendar where the Passover was held. It is between March and April of the solar calendar


Declension case: expressing the object itself

+ declension

Old Testament

the first part of the Bible; the Old Testament contains 22 books according to the Hebrew counting (from Genesis to Chronicles) or 39 books according to the Christian counting (from Genesis to Malachi)


the last letter of the Greek alphabet, written W or w, pronounced [@:];

 as a number symbol = 800

+ Alpha and Omega


a comparison, similitude or allusion

Parables of Jesus

Jesus Christ often explained difficult matters to his audience by simplifying comparisons, called parables

+ parable


also: Passah; annual festival in old Israel commemorating the passing over the houses of the Israelites by the angel of God who killed all firstborn life in Egypt as part of the 10th plague; it was followed by the seven-day festival of the unfermented cakes


head of a tribe; progenitor of a family; especially those previous to the time of Moses


or: Festival of the Weeks, Day of the Firstfruits, Feast of the Harvest; annual festival of the Jews to commemorate the completion of the grain harvest


title of the Egyptian kings

Pillar of cloud

during Israel’s sojourn in the wilderness for 40 years God showed his presence by a supernatural pillar of cloud hovering above the tabernacle during daylight hours

+ tabernacle

Pillar of fire

during Israel’s sojourn in the wilderness for 40 years God showed his presence by a supernatural pillar of fire hovering above the tabernacle during night hours

+ tabernacle

Pitcher with Manna

jar that was stored inside the ark of covenant that beheld some Manna that miraculously did not get spoiled

+ Manna

+ ark of covenant

Place for the fatty


according to Leviticus 1:16 there was a place between the entrance of the courtyard and the altar of burnt offerings where fatty ashes were put, which were the leftovers of the burnings upon the altar of burnt offerings

+ altar

+ courtyard

prehuman Jesus

also: Michael, the archangel

the first creation of IOUO God, his "only-begotten" son; The prehuman Jesus, a powerful spiritual being, assisted IOUO God in creating all other angels, the universe and earth with its inhabitants. He fought wars against the opposer, the Devil and his followers. He gave up his heavenly existence in exchange for a life on earth to serve as a ransom for mankind by giving his life


grammatical: words before substantives or nouns showing the relation or position


people that perform rituals of worship;

men of age 30 and older who were appointed by heritage (descendants of Aaron) to serve in the tabernacle and later in the temples of old Israel


writer of a psalm


festival of the Jews to commemorate the deliverance from their enemies in the Medo-Persian empire of Ahasuerus. A decree of the emperor that could not be altered was proposed by Haman to destroy the Jews, but with the help of Esther, the Jewish wife of the emperor, they where allowed  to defend themselves


or: Quamats; vowel point in the Hebrew language for the vowel O [ @:] an open o or a dark A sounding to O

Quod erat


Latin: "What had to be proved", a mathematical expression when a mathematical proof has succeeded

red cow burnt outside

outside the camp of the Israelites a red cow was burnt, its ashes were used as an ingredient of the water of cleansing (Numbers 19:2,6,9)


creative act by God or with his Holy spirit in which a deceased human being is brought back to life as a human on earth or a spiritual creature in heaven

Rod of Aaron

the rod of Aaron bearing his name for the tribe Levi. It was put in the tabernacle together with the rods bearing the names of the other tribes. Only this rod yielded almonds, thatway God ended a dispute over who was entitled to lead the Israelites on their sojourn in the wilderness. The rod was furtheron kept inside the ark of the covenant and stayed fresh

+ Ark of covenant

Sabbath year 

or: Sabbatical year;

in Israel every seventh year was a Sabbath year, during which the land had to remain uncultivated, debts were remitted and what grew by itself on the fields was given to the poor, the strangers and beasts


a place where Priests perform rituals (such as praying or  sacrificing) that are part of worship to a deity; 

In the Bible the tabernacle and the temples in Jerusalem are mentioned as sanctuaries built for the worship of the true God IOUO. The courtyard also was part of the Sanctuary

Scrolls of the Dead


scrolls containing ancient copies of parts of the Hebrew Bible found in 1949 in caves near Qumran, close to the Dead Sea, where they were preserved in earthen vessels

Scrolls of the Torah

scrolls containing copies of the first part of the Hebrew Bible that were laid beside the Ark of Covenant by Moses;

in later times such copies were kept in the synagogues and read there as part of the Jewish worship

+ Torah


the Greek version of the Old Testament, quoted as LXX, believed to be made by 70 scholars in Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C.E.


a higher form of angelic life; an especially holy heavenly creature

Serubbabel’s Temple

the temple built in Jerusalem on the ruins of Solomon’s temple after the return of the Israel nation from Babylonian captivity; the building work directed by Serrubabel (or: Zerrubabel), who lead the first band of Jews who returned to Jerusalem


a supernatural light, that hovered between the two cherubs above the ark of covenant; it represented the presence of IOUO God in the Most Holy; it was a small shining cloud (Leviticus 16:2)

+ Most Holy


also: shewbread; an offering of 12 flat loafs of  bread prepared out of the finest flour by the priests that was presented in the stacks of six on the table of the showbread in the Holy. They where exchanged for new ones every Sabbath and eaten by priests in the Sanctuary

+ table of showbread

+ Holy

+ Sanctuary


or: Shunamite; a person of Shunem, a village in the part of Israel that belonged to the tribe of Issaccar;

In the Song of Solomon the king praises a virtuous girl that was loyal to her beloved shepherd instead of becoming another wife of Solomon. Apparently she came from Shunem and was called "the Shulamite"


vowel points in the Hebrew language for short vowels

Solomon’s Temple

temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon that served as a permanent house for the Ark of Covenant. It succeeded the movable tabernacle. Although it was to be the center for worship of IOUO God, the rituals were later neglected or even substituted by idolatry. The temple of Solomon was destroyed by Babylonian armies in 607 B.C.E. when the survivors were lead into a 70-year period of captivity in Babylon

+ Babylonian Captivity

+ Temple in Jerusalem

stem of a word

the part of a verb that is not changed by the conjugation of the verb


part of a word with a stress or a side-stress

Tabernacle Pattern

a term I use for the regular appearance of a (1+3)-pattern in the structure of tabernacle items and tabernacle features. It can also be applied to other number-patterns which can be derived from the tabernacle structures, for instance 2+3, 2+5, etc.


a movable temple-like and tent-like sanctuary in old Israel. The layout was three squares (the side of each was 10 cubits). One square was called the "Most Holy", the other two squares together were called the "Holy". A curtain hang between these two sections. The entrance of the tabernacle was a curtain at the East side entering into the "Holy". Around the tabernacle was the "courtyard"

+ courtyard

+ Holy

+ Most Holy

Table of showbread

table in the northern part of the Holy, where the priests put showbread each week

Tablets of the


set of stone slabs on which God’s finger wrote the Decalogue. After the first set was destroyed by Moses, he had to provide a second set which was inscribed by God a second time and which was kept in the Ark of Covenant

+ Decalogue

+ ark of covenant

Temple in Jerusalem

substitute for the tabernacle as sanctuary in old Israel. The temple in Jerusalem was built out of stones, wood and metals, cloth for curtains etc. Unlike the tabernacle that was moved from one place to the other it was immovable at a high place in Jerusalem. The temple layout consisted (like the tabernacle) out of three squares but the side of each square was 20 cubits ( in the tabernacle only 10 cubits). One square was the "Most Holy", the other two squares formed the "Holy". A curtain hang between these two sections

+ Holy

+ Most Holy


Greek: "four-letter-word". This expression is applied to the  Name of God consisting out of four Hebrew characters namely I (=Yodh), O (=He’), U (=Waw) and a second O (=He’)

Text critics

scholars who use scientific methods to restore the original text of the Bible


a burning thornbush at Mt. Horeb that miraculously wasn’t consumed by the flames and out of which IOUO God gave Moses the command to return to Egypt to lead the Israelites out of Egypt


during the 40-year-sojourn in the wilderness the 12 tribes of Israel were divided into four Three-tribe-sections

+ Israelite tribes

Time of judges

period in Jewish history between the death of Joshua and the crowning of king Saul. A time of idolatry by the Israelites and oppression by the surrounding nations. From time to time Judges were appointed who fought the enemies, reinstalled true worship and ruled Israel until their death

+ judges

Time of post-exilic


period in Jewish history after the exile in Babylon. The Davidian kingdom was not reinstalled. Dependent governors appointed by the Persian,  Hellenistic and Roman empires ruled Israel

Time of kings

period in Jewish history that started with the anointing of king Saul and ended with the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. The record of the kings of Israel can be found in the books of Samuel, of Kings and Chronicles

Time of Jesus’ service

period in Jewish history from 29 C.E. when Jesus was baptized until his  resurrection and return to heaven in 33 C.E.


the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; also: the Pentateuch

+ Old Testament

+ Scrolls of the Torah


transmission of a word into another language without changing the original sound of the word


Greek: "three-letter-word". An abbreviated form of the Name of God consisting of Yodh, He’ and Waw OUI that was used in Jewish propernames. It is pronounced IOU in Adamic and „Yahu” or „Yeho” in Hebrew

+ Name of God

+ Tetragrammaton

+ Digrammata

Vessels of drink


vessels used in the temple that contained wine, water or oil that was offered by pouring it upon the altar in the courtyard

+ altar

Vessels of libation

+ vessels of drink offerings

Vowel points

points that were added to the Hebrew Characters (which only depict consonants) to give the reader a hint on how the vowels should be inserted.This system of vowel points was introduced by the massorets

+ consonant

+ vowel

+ massorets


independent sounds of the human language. They can be pronounced long and short and combined to form diphtongues


Latin Version of the Bible, revised by Jerome (329 C.E.)

Word of God

the book containing the will of God which he conveyed to mankind; also: Bible, Holy Scriptures

+ Bible


the principal deity of the ancient Greek, corresponding with the Roman Jupiter

+ Jupiter


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