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My principle is: “You received free, give free” (Matthew 10:8). For this reason I can’t use my books for any commercial purposes. Since I do not wish to make any personal profit by publishing these books I chose not to publish printed versions but to rather give free access to digital copies of them on this website. For printed versions you have to download and print the PDF-Files (the costs for you for download and printout are considerably smaller than that of printed version in the bookstore would be). I will not allow any company to publish printed versions for commercial purposes. 
Since the knowledge of the true pronunciation of the Name of God should be of interest to every person, I wish the information in the book IOUO - The Name of God and its supplement to be accessible to everyone, who wants to read it and scrutinize its contents. Therefore feel free to download my books to make printed or digital copies and distribute them for any private or educational purpose. There are no limits for quotations as long as the content is not altered and the author Kurt M. Niedenführ is quoted (commercial copying, distribution and translation though is prohibited).
IOUO - The Name of God [PDF]

    In order to be able to read the PDF-version of the book “IOUO- The Name of God” you need to have the Adobe(R) Reader(R) installed on your system. You can download a free copy at the homepage of Adobe Systems Inc.

The PDF-file is 9.95 MB in size since it contains plenty of graphics. If you have a slow internet connection I recommend to download the splitted PDF:


Chapter 1 -17a (2.57 MB)

Chapter 17b (2.58 MB)  

Chapter 17c (2.41 MB)

Chapter 17d - Appendix (2.69 MB)

My books concerning the name of God contain many passages in the biblical languages Hebrew and Greek and also some ancient characters. In order to display these characters correctly in the HTML-versions I therefore prepared these special fonts. If they are not automatically embedded when you read the online-version please download them for this purpose.
The fonts are web-embedded if you use the MS Internet Explorer 4 and newer.

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www.iouo-god.net | www.iouo.de | www.iouo.info (c) Copyright 2001-2003  Kurt M. Niedenfuehr