Chapter 12


As mentioned already the tabernacle (35) and the temple are a place and a house for the name IOUO (Deuteronomy 16:16; 1 Kings 5:3-5). We should expect that this place tells us something about the now reestablished pronunciation "IOUO", too. We saw already that the key "1 + 3" points to the Name and this key is realized manifold in the tabernacle and its surrounding camp during the march through the wilderness.

Let's repeat some features in this respect:

The courtyard contains four special places. The first special place is in the second square of the courtyard. The other three special places are in the first square:

The first special place is the tabernacle. The three other ones are basin, altar of the burnt offering and the place for the fatty ashes.

1 + 3  +  I + OUO  +  OUOI

If we read that in the Latin alphabet or in English characters then we get:

Isn't it striking that the O of OUO is a circle whereas the basin is a circle, too? The circle O corresponds with the layout of the basin which also is a circle! Is this mere coincidence or is it a hint of the All-powerful God, an inspired pointing to the real pronunciation of the name of God, about which God foreknew already in Moses' times that it will get lost? Let's take into consideration, too, that IOUO foreknew the development of the alphabets into a Greek and then into a Latin form. He knew that the O will eventually become an O though at Moses' times it was written quite differently (compare Chapter 1). (36)

Let's turn to some other examples:

In the Holy of the tabernacle there stood three fixtures: Altar of incense, lampstand and table of showbread. Upon the table there stood in addition the vessels of drinking offerings, too (Exodus 25:23-30 especially verse 29). When you go from the vessels of libation (or drinking offerings) which stood upon the table to the altar of incense, from the altar of incense to the lampstand, from the lampstand back to the table, then you have a closed way, a circle:

Can't we detect the similarity with the name IOUO?:

Another example: Above the tabernacle there hovered the pillar of cloud or the pillar of fire. It was a pillar. Don't we see the similarity of a pillar with the erect line of the I of IOUO? A pillar is a standing line, the I is a standing line, too. Let's turn to the Most Holy: The Most Holy was a layout of a square where the ark of covenant stood in the center. If you wanted to go around the ark of covenant, you had to go in a circle. We said already that the Most Holy corresponds with the O of OUOI. How fitting this circle pointing directly to an O! Let's go on to the second square of the Holy: There are standing the table and the lampstand on opposite sides. In front of the curtain leading to the Most Holy was standing the altar of incense in the middle. These three fixtures point to a V, the Latin U. This corresponds with the U (=Waw). The first square of the Holy is an empty square surrounded by a closed line (pointing to O), namely the dotted line to the second square, the sidewalls and the curtain leading to the courtyard. Are these obvious connections or is it mere fantasy? All points to the fact, that these connections are inspired and wanted hints for a preservation of the IOUO-pronunciation

We can continue these examples, so that we must recognize that it is no coincidence: Upon the table in the Holy there were standing the vessels of libation of which the cup is the most important one. The vessels of libation were: cups, bowls, pitchers and dishes. Let's put them side by side and let's compare them with the name "IOUO":

A further example is the whole camp of Israel in the wilderness: "1 + 3" = sanctuary + 3 parts of the camp. The sanctuary is rectangular, it is a lying I. The tribe of Levi camped in a circle (or ring) around the sanctuary. That corresponds with O. The twelve tribes of Israel camped behind this first circle in another ring around the sanctuary. But the facts do not only point to a circle. The twelve Israelite tribes were also separated into groups of three tribes each. Each three-tribe-section had one leading tribe and two subordinate tribes. This leads to the following picture:

Again we see a connection with the Latin V meaning a U. The mixed people camped behind the twelve tribes in a third ring: a further circle = O.

Another example is the courtyard: The courtyard, too, lies in a circle around the tabernacle. When we go this circle we start in the first square. A square is a closed line and points to a circle = O. Then we go to the second square where we must go in a U-like way around the tabernacle: this points to a U. Then we are back in the first square: square pointing again to a circle = O. "3 + 1" = OUO + I = OUO + I . What is the I ? The I is the basin. The altar then depicts the T = T, and the place for the fatty ashes is the A = A. We came in this picture to all three forms of God's name: IOUO, TOUO and AOUO. Let's draw that in a layout:

A further example are the fixtures and items in the Most Holy:

    the scrolls of the Torah are round, that points to a circle = O

    the ark of covenant has two Cherubs upon a chest


    the golden censer (German: Rδucherfaί) seemed to be round = O

    the forth "item" was the Shekina-light, which was a small raying cloud = I

    (compare: Deuteronomy 31:26; Exodus 25:17-21; Hebrews 9:4; Leviticus 16:2)


Another example is the contents of the chest of the ark of covenant:

    the rod of Aaron is a straight line = I

    the first tablet of the Decalogue is a closed line = O   


    the pitcher with Manna is U-shaped = U   


    the second tablet of the Decalogue is a closed line = 



An additional example is the lampstand in the Holy: It consists out of one straight line in the middle and three half-circles. A half-circle is pointing either to a circle or to a U. Thus the stick in the middle depicts the I and the first half-circle depicts an O, the middle half-circle depicts a U and the last half-circle of the six arms depicts a second O.

The contents of the ark of covenant can be viewed also in a second way:

    the rod of Aaron, a stick points to I

    the tablets of the Decalogue together (one piled upon the other) point to O

    the jar of Manna points to U

    the Manna itself was a round flaky thing pointing to O

The Showbread upon the table was two heaps of six ringshaped breads each. The Bible doesn't say it concerning the showbread, but it was usual in Israel to suspend ringshaped loaves or breads around rods. Theoretically if you wanted to suspend the two heaps of ringshaped breads around two rods, you should have constructed the following device:

This points to a U. We find the following row:

    the first heap of ringshaped breads = O

    the two rods standing on a support = U

    the second heap of ringshaped breads = O

    frankincense upon the bread =  I

    (compare Leviticus 26:26; Psalm 105:16; Ezekiel 4:16; 5:16; 14:13; Leviticus 24:5-7)


    Note that the degree of holiness is gradually becoming stronger from the last O of IOUO until the starting I:


    š mixed people =  O

    š 12 tribes of Israel = U           gradual increase of holiness

    š tribe of Levi =  O

    / sanctuary =  I 


    š courtyard =  O

    š  the Holy =  U                      gradual increase of holiness

    š the Most Holy =  O 

    / the pillar of cloud = I


    š tribe of Merari =   O

    š tribe of Gershon =  U          gradual increase of holiness

    š tribe of Kohath =  O

    /  priests (including highpriest) = I


    I  + OUO

    priests  + 3 tribes of Levites

    cloud  + 3 cubes of the tabernacle

    sanctuary  + 3 parts of camp


The I means "He". It is of course holier than the action "OUO". The "He" is IOUO himself as the pillar of cloud is God's presence, hovering above three cubes of the tabernacle which are only earthly things.


In German it is easier to pronounce the IOUO correctly, but in other languages like English the right pronunciation of IOUO first has to be taught and exercised. The O shouldn't be pronounced in English "ou" and the starting I shouldn't be pronounced like "eye". In some languages you first have to learn the right pronunciation, because it doesn't appear clearly by the writing. For instance in Persian there is no difference between a long U and a long OU ( ). So in many languages the IOUO is written differently from I-O-U-O. For instance in Koine, the Greek of the Bible, it should be written Νouσ or in capital letters ΝOUO.

The Ypsilon was a U-sound (= oo-sound) [u:] in Greek when appearing after a vowel. In Turkish the Name should be written with a dot upon the I.

Let's leave the pronunciation of the name of God IOUO and let's still talk a little bit about the relation between the tabernacle and the Tetragrammaton and similar things:

In the text of the Hebrew Bible starting with Genesis 2:4 we can often read the expression MIOLA OUOI (or written: mIOLA OUOI meaning IOUO God or IOUO mighty God). It is interesting that here each time the word OUOA (= AOUO) appears when we read backward: MIOLA OUOI. This doesn't seem to be a coincidence. It seems to be on purpose. In this way indirectly right from the start of the Bible God points to the most holy form of his name, namely AOUO, on many places not only in Exodus 3:14. We find thus the interesting word-combination AOUOI, where we can read from one side the IOUO and from the other side the AOUO.

This word-combination AOUOI has a counterpart in the tabernacle:

    A = A = pillar of cloud


    O = O = Most Holy

    U = U = second square of the Holy

    O = O = first square of the Holy


    I =   I  = courtyard

This is comprising the whole sanctuary.

Another possibility to see a counterpart in the tabernacle is to join the different persons: he, you, I with the holy signs of the presence of IOUO: Shekina-light, pillar of fire and pillar of cloud (similar as we did already in this chapter with the items in the courtyard).

This leads to the following picture:

     A = A = pillar of cloud

    T = T = pillar of fire

    I    = I  = Shekina-light


    O = O = Most Holy

    U  =  U = second square of the Holy

    O = O = first square of the Holy


A similar picture we get from the fixtures or items in the tabernacle:

    A = A = ark of covenant

    T = T = scrolls of the Torah

      I   =  I = censer


    O = O = table

    U  = U = altar of incense

    O = O = lampstand


When we combine that with what we said about the word-combination AOUOI, then we can add the grammatical persons before and after the stem OUO.

    A = ark of covenant

    T = scrolls of the Torah

    I  = golden censer


    O = table

    U = altar of incense

    O = lampstand


    I  = basin

    T = altar of burnt sacrifices

    A = place for the fatty ashes


The whole sanctuary looks thatway analogue:

    A = pillar of cloud

    T = pillar of fire

    I  = Shekina-light


    O = Most Holy

    U = second square of the Holy

    O = first square of the Holy


    I  = first square of the courtyard together with the fixtures

    T = second square of the courtyard

    A = back in the first square of the courtyard


The whole camp of Israel looks thatway analogue:

    A = pillar of cloud or pillar of fire

    T = Most Holy

    I  = Holy


    O = courtyard

    U = Moses and highpriest Aaron

    O = other priests


    I  = tribes of the Levites (Kohath, Gershon, Merari)

    T = twelve tribes of Israel

    A = mixed people


It is interesting that in the Bible only AOUO (Exodus 3:14) and IOUO are mentioned in the text. The TOUO doesn't appear! Let's compare that with the sanctuary, where the cloud and the courtyard were in the open, while the inner space of the tabernacle was hidden:

         T is hidden, TOUO is hidden!

         But in a later chapter we will see

         that the TOUO appears in a

         hidden and encoded way in the




As a conclusion of this chapter I still point to the different degrees of holiness of the different pronunciations of the name of God. This, too, can be compared with the tabernacle and the camp of Israel:


gradual increase in holiness

.   glory of God in the Most Holy = AOUO AShR AOUO

š   glory of God in the Holy  = TOUO AShR TOUO

š   glory of God in the courtyard =  IOUO AShR  IOUO

š   pillar of cloud   = AOUO

š   pillar of fire   = TOUO

š   Shekina-light   =  IOUO

š   Most Holy   = AO (shortened form)

š   second cube of Holy  = TO (shortened form)

š   first square of Holy  =  IO (shortened form)

š   first square of the courtyard = Yahuh

š   second square of courtyard = Yah (shortened form)

š    back in first square courtyard = Yehuh

š    priests with highpriest  = Yahoh

š     Levites    = Yehoh

š    12 tribes of Israel  = Yahweh

š    mixed people   = Yehowah (mixed name with Adonai)

š       (is not allowed to come into the congregation of God)

š    red cow burnt outside  = Yahwoh (never used in worship but not unclean)

š     camp of quarantine  = Yehwah (never used in worship and unclean by Adonai)

š     camp of sick persons  = Yeh(o)wih (never used in worship and unclean by Elohim)


The glory of God appeared at the consecration of the tabernacle. IOUO is more holy than the abbreviation IO, which also was used in names. The whole name IOUO was too holy to be used in names of humans. There we see how wicked and impossible it is to omit the final h from Jehovah (+ Jehova) when the whole name of God is meant. Holier than IOUO is IOUO AShR IOUO, meaning: he causes to become whatever he causes to become. The holiest form is then the AOUO AShR AOUO meaning: I cause to become whatever I cause to become.


(35) I wrote a book about the tabernacle pattern in 1987 and sent it to the Watchtower Society. The title of this book is "Tabernacle Studies". It contained many other aspects of the tabernacle structure.

(36) compare Aid to Bible Understanding, p.1675, heading: Writing.


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