Chapter 13


The name of God in God's eyes is the most high thing (living things included) that he ever brought forth. This Name stands for all Being of God and for all works of God (Nehemiah 9:5). "He causes to become" means "He is the primary source", "He is the peak of everything", "He is the root". Only God himself is above his name which he himself gave to himself, shortly before or directly at the moment when he decided to create something, to bring forth something, to become a creator. "He causes to become" means: he is the last cause of everything. Not without reason we read therefore in Psalm 148:13: "Let them praise the name of IOUO, for his name alone is unreachably high..."

Therefore the name of God is of far greater importance than his Word. In the same way as God himself is far greater than "The Word" or "The Logos" (namely Jesus Christ), also his name is far greater than his written Word. The Logos only is sanctified that much by the name of God within himself (compare Exodus 23:21). The proportion from the name of God to the Word of God is comparable with the proportion from Isaac (born after the spirit) to Ishmael (born after the flesh), or as Jacob to Esau, Rachel to Lea, Joseph to his ten half-brothers, Abraham to Lot, Sarah to Hagar, David to Saul, Ruth to Orpah etc.

But can't we read in Psalm 138:2: "For you have magnified your saying (= your word, German NW) even above all your name"? How can we understand that? Obviously even the Psalmist is startled that the impossible thing is happening with God. IOUO is humbling his greatest name below his Word. That means that IOUO for a certain time allowed his name to be attacked, ridiculed and desecrated. He allowed that his most holy name was replaced by the Baal-word "Lord" (the word "Jehovah" couldn't fully reestablish God's name)(Psalms 74:18; Isaiah 52:5). Thus he allowed his name to be wiped out from the Bibles. He allowed , too, that his name was attacked by the Devil by many issues and put into question by the acts of sinful angels, half-angels and humans. The name of God became Satan's main target of attack because he cannot attack God himself, who is too mighty. But the reputation of God and his name is open to attack.

Yet his Word was preserved by God. The preservation of his Word was so precise, that even scholars and textcritics are astonished. Mistakes that sneaked into the text were so unimportant and slight, that the real meaning of the text remained practically unchanged. Thus IOUO preserved his written Word for mankind and he saw to it that it was translated into thousands of languages and distributed in billions of copies. He made his Word accessible to all mankind, mostly in their mother-tongues, while at the same time allowing his name to disappear.

That will not always be that way. Since our love is connected with the name of God according to John 17:26 we need the name of God. His Word is not sufficient for true worshippers of IOUO. Therefore IOUO will restore his name for all times and place it again above his Word into all eternity (compare Isaiah 52:6; Ezekiel  39:7; Habakkuk 2:14; Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 14:9; John 12:28).

God is love and love has to do with God's name (1 John 4:8). It is interesting in this respect that love in Adamic means: AOBO (OBOA) whereas God's name in its first person form is AOUO. The similar and parallel construction of the two words can be seen distinctly when written one on top of the other:

        A O U O

        A O B O

Thus "love" in the Adamic language points directly to God, to AOUO or IOUO.


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